Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Programme 2

Jungle Book By
Stuart Buckley DC Southern Cape.
Duty six: Purple six            
Time duration
Scouter  in charge
10 mins
Grand Howl

Flag Break

Totem pole



Inspection: Emergency kits

Mowgli had to become aware of who was who in the jungle...

10 mins
Steam release: Blue bottles

Father Wolf
Whack-am stick(Newspaper)

Mowgli had to learn to respect his elders in the jungle and how to follow the law of the jungle....

1.    Membership – Law and promise, prayer.
2.    Caracal – Faith, promise and law.
3.    Cheetah – Promise and Law
4.    Leopard- Promise and Law
5.   Lion-Promise and Law
All adults

The law and promise, and the law of the jungle.

Mowgli learns where each animal lives, he had to make sure he knew his way around the jungle like all the other animals...

10 mins
Sense training: Visual Kim’s game in sixes
( Each six will be given a sheet with the jungle animals and their names coloured in on it, they have 2 mins to look and memorise, then they must place the pictures where they were, this done by younger cubs and the older cubs then put the names of each animal down, first six done wins.)
All adults:
Jungle book pictures for each six
Adults to assist younger cubs with writing

Just as Mowgli learn about the Seeonee at council rock, so do we have to learn how to master the grand howl.

10 mins
Practise the grand howl and explain the investiture to all, reminder for some.
Totem pole, skin, council rock.

Mowgli obeyed Baloo and Bagheera, and learnt how to survive in the jungle...

10 mins
Relay game - survival
All to assist
See attached games sheet.

All the animals lived in harmony because they all knew the law of the jungle...

18: 10
5 mins
Yarn 1: Mowgli’s entry into the pack, finish the yarn
Father Wolf
The actual yarn

A cub never leaves anything but his footprint behind...

Tidy up and ready for close

10 mins
Grand howl
Totem Pole

Flag down


The cub prayer
Teach me to keep my promise lord, and help me to obey, and show me what my duty is to serve you day by day, Amen.

Dismiss – sixes to put in points

 Games used:
1.  BLUEBOTTLES (Steam release)
This game could be used for Caracal to get to know Jungle Animals or by the whole Pack as a revision game. Cubs walk round in a large circle chanting “Mowgli went to the jungle and what did Mowgli see?”  The Old Wolf or Cub Instructor shouts various jungle animals:
E.G. Bandarlog (Cubs continue in circle behaving like monkeys)
       Kaa               “          “       “    “          “        “a snake
       Hathi                                                               elephant
       Akela                                                               Wolf chants so on until the leader shouts “BLUEBOTTLES!” and all the cubs run in all directions because the Old Wolf then chases them with a whack-am stick (rolled up newspaper in a stocking) to see who he/she can catch. Then continue with the animals alternating with the bluebottles.
Equipment: Different colour cards, each colour representing a hat, knife, 1st Aid Kit, matches, blanket and map – write name on reverse. All the cards are scattered around the hall blank side up. Cubs stand in relay formation at one end of hall and take turns to run up and collect one card at a time. The aim is to collect at least one of each colour representing the most important survival items.

Sense Training :- 

Each six is given the sheet of paper with all the jungle book characters coloured in, standing around council rock. They then have a few minutes to look at the names of the characters on the sheet and where the animals are placed. They will then line up in sixers in relay formation. Each six will be given the same picture except the animals and their names are missing. The Cubs then use the loose pictures of the animals and their names and place them in the correct place. The first six completed with the most correct placements, wins. It is basically a visual Kims game using the jungle book characters. You can choose not to use the names if your pack is young and then only use the pictures.

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